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Benedict Nielson

Some Symptoms of an Impacted Tooth

In some cases, impacted tooth can lead to serious condition that would involve pain, discomfort and infection. If you think that you have an impacted tooth, you will have to visit the dentist immediately in order to get the condition treated. Dentists are highly qualified people who can treat impacted tooth in a number of ways. You may be given more than one treatment options to choose from in this regard. Based on the primary checkup, the dentist will give his opinion about which option can be the right one to go for.

The impacted tooth

An impacted tooth is the one that grows in incorrect direction. Typically, an impacted tooth grows in an angled direction but there are cases in which it might start growing sideways. The angled growth usually results in the tooth damaging the nerves close the cheeks. It can also cause problem in the neighboring teeth. Whatever the form, an impacted tooth can be quite painful and dangerous for the oral and dental health in a number of ways.

Symptoms of an impacted tooth

There can be several signs that you suffer from an impacted tooth. However, the symptoms may depend upon the exact position of the tooth. The symptoms of impacted tooth include:

  • Unexplained and severe kind of headache
  • Bleeding and swelling in the gum tissues
  • Aching jaws
  • Bad breath and bad taste in the mouth
  • Several other signs that suggest that you suffer from infection in the gum tissues

One thing worth mentioning here that there may not be any symptoms of impacted teeth in many cases. Due to several reasons, you may not feel any symptoms of an impacted tooth and you may not be aware about it. However, this is the fact that an impacted tooth can be dangerous for dental and oral health in a number of ways. This is the reason that you need to get this issue sorted out as soon as possible.

The best way to deal with an impacted tooth is to visit the dentist. Most commonly, the wisdom teeth are the impacted teeth. And dentists prefer removing those teeth before they make a person’s life miserable.

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